11 Broadway, Suite 615 New York, NY 10004
Client Reviews and Testimonials
Read what others who have already worked with us have to say !
Reviews by past clients (and in some cases, other attorneys) are available online in the following places:
AVVO.com is an attorney rating and ranking site which uses a multi-tiered approach to rating and ranking attorneys, including years of experience, bar record, and ratings by both clients and peer attorneys.
Google Local is Google's highly localized set of business listings, allowing client reviews.
Martindale Hubbell - One of the oldest and most established attorney directories (published in book form since 1868).
LinkedIn.com is a business-oriented social networking site (login required). In addition to allowing what is essentially an "online resume," it permits other individuals with linked profiles - be they former clients or peer attorneys - to submit recommendations.
Yelp, like Google local, seeks to provide information and reviews of local businesses of all types (though it seems best suited for entertainment-oriented concerns, such as restaurants and bars). Yelp has seen a bit of controversy for its review filtering algorithm, which often removes even positive reviews