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Increase to Premium Processing Fee Announced
In addition to the recent expansion of the H-1B premium processing moratorium for H-1Bs to last longer and include more types of H-1b filings, USCIS will be making the Premium Processing program more expensive for those who can still use it. As of October 1, 2018, the fee will increase to $1,410 from the current $1,225.
According to the final rule published in the August 31, 2018 Federal Register, all petitions requesting premium processing that are postmarked on or after that date must include the new, increased fee.
The new fee represents a 14.92% increase over the old fee, which USCIS claims is consistent with the percentage change in inflation indicated by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI–U) since the fee was last increased from the old $1,000 fee in 2010.